Forecast Assignment
A forecast assignment is similar to
a test. It consists of CHOICE, BLANK, OPTION and MULTIPLE questions. Students
complete forecast assignments and submit them for grading. However, each day,
the students can submit a new forecast. In addition, the forecast answers are
based on the previous day's weather.
Creating a Forecast
- Create and name new assignment
of the type FORECAST.
- This creates a set items
asking about information associated with a forecast.
- You may delete any questions which
are not pertinent to your class. You may limit the number of reporting sites
by editing item 1.
- Do not delete or move item
1 or the forecast will fail.
- You may add additional questions,
or edit existing questions.
- After editing the assignment,
click on the Publish checkbox and Save.
- The assignment will not
be available to students until it has been Published.
- If you forget to click on Save,
your changes will be lost.
Dynamic Answers
You will note that some of the answers
use the notation {WIND_DIR_12}. This means that ClassNet will replace this symbol
and the brackets with the correct value for the date and site of the forecast
when the forecast is graded. These names currently include:
- Wind direction (N,NE,E,SE,S,SW,W,NW)
at midnight.
- Acceptable answers may be
within 45 degrees of true wind direction.
- For example, if the wind
is from the north, NW,N and NE would all be acceptable.
- Wind speed in knots at midnight
(+- 3 knots).
- TEMP_0:
- Temperature in Fahrenheit
at midnight (+- 5 degrees).
- DEWP_0:
- Dew point temperature in Fahrenheit
at midnight (+- 5 degrees)
- Precipitation in inches for
the last 24 hours from 12Z.
- 1 if there was precipitation
and 2 if not.
Similar values are available for
6 a.m., 12 p.m. and 6 p.m. (i.e. 6,12 or 18 after name).
Reason Symbols:
- 1 if 6 a.m. temperature change
will be affected by warm air advection, 2 if affected by cold air advection
and 3 if none.
- Same as ADVECTION_6 but related
to noon temperature.
- FRONT_6:
- 1 if passage of warm front,
2 for cold front, 3 for occluded front and 4 no front.
- FRONT_12:
- Same as FRONT_6 but related
to noon temperature.
- 1 if cloudiness will hold
down temperature at noon and 2 if not.
- 1 if cloud cover to inhibit
radiational cooling will be significant, 2 if not.
- 1- moisture supply, 2-frontal
position, 3-unstable atmosphere. Any or all answers may
be selected (e.g. 1 or 1,2 or 1,3 etc.)
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